【歌词】A Rite of Passage / 歌手:Bayside

Dream Theater - A Rite Of Passage

@ 活在當下 制作


A new world order

Played upon our fears

Spreading accusations

Of radical ideas

The brotherhood of wisdom

Strength and dignity

Its rituals and secrets

Remain a mystery

Beneath an ever watchful eye

The angels of the temple fly

Turn the key, walk through the gate

The great ascent to reach a higher state

A rite of passage

The final stage a sacred home

Unlock the door and lay the cornerstone

A rite of passage

Men of wealth and power

Influence and fame

Philosophers and leaders

Are members of the trade

Bound by oath and honor

Like the rose and cross

An enigmatic union

of esoteric thoughts

Beneath an ever watchful eye

The angels of the temple fly




西江月(拼音:xī jiāng yuè),又名《步虚词》、《江月令》。唐教坊曲名,后用为词牌名。唐五代词本为平仄韵异部间协,宋以后词则上下阕各用两平韵,末转仄韵...(展开)


 【歌词】あの日の2人のように /...

遊吟 - あの日の2人のように作詞∶すぐる作曲∶すぐる賴潤誠制作騒ぐ風の音振り返る君の顔移る季節君は何を待っているのしまいこんだ手は少しだけ震えてる知りすぎた事...(展开)