【歌词】Riding to the Sight / 歌手:久保田利伸

The dark midnight

作曲: Yoo Young Sum / Joo Young Hoom

編曲: Yoo Young Sum

語言: 英語

收錄於大碟: My Love (1993)

其他版本: 無邊的沉醉 (粵語)

I"m on my own

riding the train from home town

I was a past from day to night

I going down

taking a long long ride

Moment of views outside my window

How long has it gone?

The train is getting far from home

When the sun fade away behind the night

I feel so high but I don"t know why

The dark midnight comes to my sight

Though the train may pass million miles away

I feel right up the town that I left

Is time to begin for tomorrow?





