聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Super Bad / 歌手:James Brown

avril lavigne lyrics5

"sk8er boi"

he was a boy

she was a girl

can i make it any more obvious

he was a punk

she did ballet

what more can i say

he wanted her

she"d never tell secretly she wanted him as well

but all of her friends

stuck up their nose

they had a problem with his baggy clothes

he was a skater boy

she said see you later boy

he wasn"t good enough for her

she had a pretty face

but her head was up in space

she needed to come back down to earth

5 years from now

she sits at home



 闽商风采 | 陈国宝:国举诚信创...

【编者按】 “敢为人先,追求卓越”是他的座右铭。他视“务实、创新、团队、感恩”为传家宝,企业充满着战斗力和人文关怀,这让他在商海搏击中,满怀自信与力量;他在群雄...(展开)