聚热点 juredian

【歌词】(((Devics)))a secret message to you / 歌手:Elena.S

A Message U ever send to me...

it is Ur song

This is what I made

Made it just for you

It’s better than a letter

I’m sending it to you

It is made of wood

Mud and salt and glue

I wanted to build it big

And sail away with you

This is where the wood

Started to get loose

And this is where I painted little deer

A secret message to you

It’s tiny sail that I cut from a magazine

With the letters of your name

I want to see it go

It wishes it was in the sea tonight

And I weighed it with an anchor

Just an eraser

It is really much too small to use

I ran out glue

You could put it in the water

And pretend that I am there with you

Sailing in the sea together

Me and you…


 【歌词】Of Love & Wa...

戴爱玲 - 以爱之名爱不够爱不够让我继续再忍耐爱堕落爱堕落自尊让人随便踩我没有亏欠為何要自作自贱我很宽很淡定也不吵不闹给你牵绊你何不放手看透你用爱哄骗我狠狠骗我...(展开)