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【歌词】book of sand / 歌手:Illnath

Loreena McKennitt - Skellig

Music and Lyrics: Loreena McKennitt

O light the candle, John

The daylight has almost gone

The birds have sung their last

The bells call all to mass

Sit here by my side

For the night is very long

There"s something I must tell

Before I pass along

I joined the brotherhood

My books were all to me

I scribed the words of God

And much of history

Many a year was I

Perched out upon the sea

The waves would wash my tears,

The wind, my memory

I"d hear the ocean breathe

Exhale upon the shore

I knew the tempest"s blood

Its wrath I would endure

And so the years went by

Within my rocky cell

With only a mouse or bird

My friend; I loved them well

And so it came to pass

I"d come here to Romani

And many a year it took

Till I arrived here with thee



陈瑞峰的回答:白鹭鸶鸟 乡间芝农田或溪水边,我们经常可看到白鹭鸶洁白的身影点缀著青山绿水。它们在站立或飞行时,往往把长长的脖子缩成「s」形,发现食物时,就立刻伸...(展开)


