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【歌词】Rainy Day in June / 歌手:Alan Jackson

Alan Jackson - Rainy Day in June


I need some sunshine on my face

To help me dry my eyes

I need a blue sky over here

So I can clear my mind

Maybe your soft breath on my back

To make me feel at ease

Anything more than what I"ve got

On this rainy day in June

It"s a rainy day in June

The sky is grey and I am blue

Tryin" to make it without you

On this rainy day in June

Yesterday morning I woke up

On the wrong side of the bed

And on the right side laid a note

I knew what it said

Then the rain came, hasn"t stopped

I don"t know if it will

But I"ll keep waiting with the hopeful heart

On this rainy day in June

It"s a rainy day in June

The sky is grey and I am blue

Tryin" to make it without you

On this rainy day in June

The thunder rolls, the lightning flashes

Every thought bega



作者 | 李北辰来源 | 鲸落商业评论当1905年爱因斯坦提出著名的质能方程之后,人类就在畅想是否有核聚变的可能。但在很长一段时间,可控核聚变都是一门不可控的玄...(展开)