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【歌词】Tired Of Loving / 歌手:Bees

How Do I stop Loving You - 黄小琥



I"m trying so hard to froget you

And leave the life we had behind

And there are times I feel The day has come

I"ve chased you from my mind

But I"m afraid there"s always something

That sets me back amd makes me see

You"re more than just a memory In the past

You"re still a part of me

So how do I stop loving you

Forget things that we used to do

Forget all the dreams that we shared

And how my life was knowing you cared

Why do I end up when I start

Each time I try

Just tell me how I can forget

So I can say goodbye*

I"m tired of all the lonely evenings

And all the many times I"ve cried

I"m tired of wondering What I mi


 常石磊的《老爸》 歌词?

歌曲《老爸》是由王平久作词,常石磊作曲并演唱的一首歌。  歌词如下:  老爸 有些日子没给你电话  你还过得好吗  老爸 你对我说过的那些话  我也越来越懂了 ...(展开)