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【歌词】Eye out / 歌手:Powerman 5000

Florence And The Machine - Girl With One Eye

LRC: 朱古力 制作

She told me not to step on the cracks

I told her not to fuss and relax

Well, her pretty little face

stopped me in my tracks

But now she sleeps with one eye open

That"s the price she paid

I took a knife and cut out her eye

I took it home and watched it wither and die

Well, she"s lucky that

I didn"t slip her a smile

That"s why she sleeps with one eye open

That"s the price she paid

I said, hey, girl with one eye

Get your filthy fingers out of my pie

I said, hey, girl with one eye

I"ll cut your little heart out

cause you made me cry

I slipped my hand under her skirt

I said don"t worry, it"s not gonna hurt

Oh, my reputation"s kinda clouded with dirt

That"s why you sleep with one eye open

That"s the price you paid

I said, hey, girl with one



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