聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Writing of Tears / 歌手:朴正炫

Late last night I had a dream

And she was in it again

She and I were in the sky

Flying hand in hand

I woke up in a cold sweat

Wishing she was by my side

Praying that she"ll dry tears

Left on my face I"ve cried

Oh, I love her

Keep dreaming of her

Will I understand

If she wants to be my friend

I"ll send a letter to that girl

Asking her to be my own

But my pen is writing wrong

So I say it in a song

Oh, I love you more right no

More than I"ve ever before

Here"s those words straight from these lips

I"ll need you forever more

Oh, I love her

Keep dreaming of her

Will I understand

If she wants to be my friend

To me it"s a pain that tears my heart

Late last night I had a dream

And she was in it again

She and I were in the sky

Flying hand in hand

I woke up in a cold sweat




来源:经济日报-中国经济网新疆和田无花果王 浮云若海 摄每年的7至11月间,又到了无花果的成熟季节。无花果原产地中海沿岸,中国唐代从波斯地区传入,现在南北方均有...(展开)