聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Shut Up And Suffer / 歌手:Marduk

Powered By @ William

Album:The Black Parade is Dead!

My Chemical Romance-Sleep (live)

I was tired

to think of you to sleep

Some say, now suffer all the children

And walk away a savior,

Or a madman and polluted

From gutter institutions.

Don"t you breathe for me,

Undeserving of your sympathy,

Cause there ain"t no way

that I"m sorry for what I did.

And through it all

How could you cry for me?

Cause I don"t feel bad about it.

So shut your eyes,

Kiss me goodbye,

And sleep. Just sleep.

The hardest part is

letting go of your dreams.

A drink for the horror that I"m in,

For the good guys, and the bad guys,

For the monsters in our beds.

Three cheers for tyranny,

Unapologetic apathy,

Cause there ain"t no way

that I"m coming back again.

And through i



2020年3月,西二旗中关村软件园,互联网公司大楼在晚上依然灯火通明。新京报记者 郑新洽 摄近日,人社部和最高法联合发布超时加班劳动人事争议典型案例,为企业划红...(展开)


