【歌词】Vertebrae by Vertebrae / 歌手:Bjork

Bjork - Vertebrae By Vertebrae


Up on the toe

There is a view

Up on the toe

And the spine

Straight and erect

Hungry and curious

Up on the toe

Looking forward to

The air is thinner here

She came here

To lose face

Got down on her knees

The beast is back!

On four legs

Set her clock to the moon

Raises her spine

Vertebrae by vertebrae

Up on the toe


I have been filled with steam for months, for years

Same old cloud, claustrophobic me

Let it burst like old train sounds

Make them leave me nature

Vertebrae by vertebrae by vertebrae

My arms squeeze out of my shoulders!

And the arms squeeze out of my shoulders

I curl my tail in words

I set my clock on the moon

Vertebrae by vertebrae

Please release this pressure of me (x3)


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CHANEL香奈儿  创始人:Gabrielle Chanel (加布里埃。香奈尔) 注册地:法国巴黎(1913年)  设计师: 1913年-1971年,Gab...(展开)