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时间:2022-04-20 07:40:19 热传 我要投稿

水看似无形,但可进退无阻,激起巨浪;风看似无影,但能扬起风帆,乘风破浪;在生活中漂泊,谋生拼搏,在乎主次分明,人凡不可避免地,可能要无奈地放弃许多选择,如果要选择放弃什么,千万不要放弃愿望。Water seemingly invisible, but can retreat without hindrance, aroused waves;The wind seems to be no shadow, but can sail, ride the wind and waves;In the life of wandering, living hard, prioritize care,

Mortal inevitably may be forced to abandon many choices,

If you want to choose what to be given up, don"t give up any hope.
