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一处净土 方寸空间

时间:2022-04-20 07:42:39 热文 我要投稿

在烟波浩渺人海中,在浮华喧嚣尘世里,必须给自己一处净土,必须给自己方寸空间,这里,就是我们纯净心灵的憩息之地 。。。刻意了,故意了,会失意,一切随缘随意就好;希望了,奢望了,会失望,一切随缘随心就好。In the vast crowd, in the noisy vanity world,We must give ourselves a pure land, we must give ourselves a square inch of space, Here is suitable for our pure soul rest...Deliberately, intentionally,can be frustrated, all casually follow your willing;Hope, desire,can bedespair,

all casually follow your heart.