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时间:2022-04-23 18:20:58 热博 我要投稿

在没有天气预报和现代气象科学的时代,英语文化中曾流行很多关于气候节令的天气谚语(Weather lore),都是通过谚语的形式口头流传。


March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb.


This well-known proverb means that March is a month in which you can experience a Lion"s fierce roar of frigid cold, the long white teeth of bitingwinds that can cut through flesh; and the gentle softness, the warmth of fluffy white fleece, and the innocent kiss of sunshine like a docile newborn lamb.



It is believed that this saying has more to do with the month beginningwith the constellation Leo. Leo rises in the east tostart March and ends the month with the constellation Ariessetting in the west.



In Scotland they say, "March comes in with adders" heads and goes out with peacocks" tails." An Adder is Scotland"s sole venomoussnake.A timid creatureand unlikely to bite unless threatened. Again, showing a feared image of winter, with the beauty and splendor the weather at the end of March can bring.


In the Netherlands, they say"Maart roert zijn staart," which means "March stirs its tail"—evidence of the variety and extremes that can come day to day thistime of year. All the same for the roller coaster of wacky weather we call March.


在欧洲的传统文化中,狮子被视为最强大的猛兽,称为“king of the forest”;而在中国历史上,这个角色是由老虎来担任的,叫作“百兽之王”。

中文的“拦路虎”这个比喻,在翻译成英语时就需要转换成“a lion in the way”,利用英语中的现成比喻能更有效地传达含义。

如果中国也有与“March comes in like a lion”类似的谚语,估计多半会用“三月猛如虎”来形容吧。


来源:阿则外英语笔记 CNN