聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Only Words I Know / 歌手:Blue

Dawn breaks; there is blue in the sky.

Your face before me though I don‘t know why.

Thoughts disappearing like tears from the moon.

Waiting here; as I sit by the stone

They came before me, those men from the sun.

Signs from the heavens say I am the one.


Now I know ; I can see your light,

This light that I must follow,

You -- you could take my life away

-- so far away.

Now I know ; I must leave your spell

-- I want tomorrow.

(the above lyrics for the chorus are taken from those printed in the

Sleeve of the japanese pressing by jimco records: following are the

Words which are almost undoubtably those actually sung)


Now you‘re here; I can see your light,

This light that I must follow,

You -- you may take my life away

-- so far away.

Now I know ; I must leave your spell

-- I want tomorrow.





 【歌词】千纸鶴 / 歌手:邰正宵




1、《刑法》对醉驾的处罚《刑法》第一百三十三条之一 在道路上驾驶机动车,有下列情形之一的,处拘役,并处罚金:(1)追逐竞驶,情节恶劣的;(2)醉酒驾驶机动车的;...(展开)