聚热点 juredian

【歌词】precious lie / 歌手:God Forbid


My precious one, my tiny one

Lay down your pretty head

My dearest one my sleepy one

It"s time to go to bed

Just lie your head and give your cares to me

Just close your eyes and fall into the sweetest dream

Cause in my loving arms

My precious one my darling one

Don"t let your lashes weep

My cherished one my weary one

It"s time to go to sleep

Just lie your head and give your cares to me

Just close your eyes and fall into the sweetest dream

Cause in my loving arms

Your safe as you will ever be so hush my dear and sleep

And in your dreams you"ll ride on angels wings

That"s when the stars will touch the face of God

And if you should awake I"ll send you back to sleep

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 【歌词】没有资格 / 歌手:单沫...

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