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时间:2022-08-19 20:31:40 热评 我要投稿

管理者在组织内如果拥有良好的人际关系,原因不在于他们拥有“人际天赋”,而在于他们对自己的工作以及在处理人际关系时都专注于贡献。这导致他们建立的关系富有成效——这是“良好的人际关系”的唯一正确的定义。 相处融洽和言语和悦不仅没有意义,而且不过是恶劣态度的虚假门脸罢了 ——如果以工作和任务为中心的人际关系不能带来成就的话。反之,偶尔的疾言厉色并不会给人际关系造成伤害——如果这种关系有助于各方取得成果和成绩的话。

Executives in an organization do not have good human relations because they have a “talent for people.” They have good human relations because they focus on contribution in their own work and in their relationships with others. As a result, their relationships are productive—and this is the only valid definition of “good human relations.” Warm feelings and pleasant words are meaningless, are indeed a false front for wretched attitudes, if there is no achievement in what is, after all, a work-focused and task-focused relationship. On the other hand, an occasional rough word will not disturb a relationship that produces results and accomplishments for all concerned.

文本 | 摘录自《卓有成效的管理者》,版权归华章所有。

编辑 | 木易


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